Taking a break from the Missoula winter to pose for an Art Department picture.

Behind the scenes of Spirit - DIY by Dreamworks TV. Built Set On Stage: Production Designer: Benjamin Ralston Art Director: Nicole Miller Director: Rachel Eck

The bedroom set for the YouTube drama Words With Girls. Dressed Set On Location Director: Tessa Blake Producer: Issae Rae & Deniese Davis Production Designer: Benjamin Ralston Art Director: Erika Walters DP: Golnar Fakhrai

The bedroom set for the film Anatomy Of a Love Seen Built Set On Stage Director: Marina Rice Bader Producer: Levi Smock Production Designer: Benjamin Ralston Production Designer: Dean Newbury DP: Justin Kane

The judge's room for the Mountain Dew Game Jam TV Pilot. Built Set On Stage Directed By: Aaron Umetani Production Designer: Benjamin Ralston Art Director: Shamim Seifzadeh Set Decorator: Tessla Hastings

The tallest man makes an appearance in the house of mirrors in Dance In Flight: The Film. Photograph By: Jenna Willard

Mars landscape set built for Lindsey Sterling's music video, When The Stars Align. Built Set On Stage. Directed By: Nathan Cardon Producer: Jared Lee Production Designer: Benjamin Ralston Art Director: Erika Walters Assistant Art Director: Dean Newbury

A behind the scenes look at the hospital set in Dance In Flight: The Film.

A commercial set where interviews and testimonials take place.

The construction and art department crews working on the bedroom set for Dance In Flight: The Film.

The fortune teller takes a moment out of the shoot to show me her awesome wardrobe and makeup.

The Bearded Ladies take the stage in my favorite performance from Dance In Flight: The Film.

I was very proud of this set and couldn't help but get a photograph with it.

Here is Dan Marks, our camera operator, almost too tall to fit through the spaceship bulkhead. But as any DP should, he loved those LED light panels.

A look behind the scenes of our young Wyatt in Pyro & Klepto waiting for another take.

A BTS look at the junkyard is Pyro & Klepto where our main characters made a little camp.

A special behind the scenes look at the final pyrotechnic inspection before we burned the house down! Litterally!

Eric Yandoc, the director, talks with our main cast member while we look from the other side of the main command center's screen.

Taking a seat in the junkyard. After moving around heavy car parts all day, it sure is rewarding to have so many seats around.

During an initial tech scout the crew for Pyro & Klepto look at a taped outline of a future set.

A shadowy figure walks across the blue-screen forward panel inbetween takes on Home.

I can't handle photographs sometimes.

BTS looks at the monitor as we shoot the green-screen observation deck.

The evil lair of Pariah was hand painted and destroyed on location.

Our main actor takes a break from being a mean, tough, scary warrior for a little smile break.

Our main character, Mindy, crawls through the air ducts.

A candid snapshot of me in the cave set on Scorched Earth.

The main actor, Michael Perry, hanging out between takes. Derek Rittenhouse, the camera operator must be getting a quick insert shot while we wait.

One of my favorite candid photos of my on set, looking official with my headset!

Sometimes it's an all hands on deck situation and even production designers get their hands dirty in the makeup chair!

Putting the final touches on the interior workshop set. Pictured here with Lavinia, the designer!

We had to bring the outdoors in and get pretty dirty doing it.

This is one of the 'islands' from the YACHT music video. We later installed working control panels and other flashy tings!

This is the reporter desk set and character who is also the imaginary friend to our main character. just a fun note, the backdrop here was hung sideways to fit on the stage!

Putting on the final touches for the bunk area set for our little space movie!

Either he is really dirty, or I'm just too pale. Or both.

We only see the eyes of this character, but I love her eyes!

A shot of me and Seth Green BTS of Titan Maximum, a single season show that ran on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.

One of my favorite pictures from the set. This is the main actress, Lulu Brud, posing during her dream sequence. I also designed the costume for this scene, so this is one of my only costume designer pictures!